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E. N. 5th Transatlantic. Entrepreneurial Breakfast. Co-Sponsors:German Academic International Network(GAIN)

Consulate General ofthe Federal. Republic of Germanyin San Francisco. September 28 - 30_. 2015 International Conference. on Sustainable Development. Co-Sponsors:Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. Columbia University. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Researchin Germany. October 6 - 7_. Transatlantic Perspectives on. Social Innovation. Co-Sponsor:University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr)

October 22_. Cyber Securityinthe U. S.

and Germany. October 29_. Arnhold Symposium on. Education for Sustainable Peace.Co-Sponsors:Georg Eckert Institute for International. Textbook Research (GEI)

The New School for Social Research(NSSR)

November 2_. German Center for Research and. Innovation Student Outreach:Osnabrück University of Applied. Sciences. November 2_. STEP NYC: Startup and. Entrepreneur Program. Co-Sponsors:German American Chambers of Commerce, Inc. (GACC)

University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr)

November 2_. Stress andthe City. Co-Sponsor:Heidelberg University Association. November 4_. Opportunities and Risks inE-Health. Co-Sponsor:University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr)

November 5_the German Research. Landscape: Funding. Opportunities and. Non-Academic Careers. Co-Sponsors:INet NYC. German Academic Exchange Service(DAAD)

German Research Foundation (DFG)

November 12_. FOCUS: Smart GridCo-Sponsors:Consulate General ofthe Federal. Republic of Germanyin New York. Transatlantic Climate Bridge. German American Chambers of Commerce, Inc. (GACC)

2015 Calendar of Events. January 28_. Cognitive Plasticity inAdulthood. Co-Sponsor:Max Planck Society. February 24_. German Center for. Research and Innovation. Student Outreach: How. International Experience. Can Enhance Your Career. March 18_. German Center for. Research and Innovation 5th. Anniversary Celebration. Co-Sponsor:Consulate General ofthe Federal. Republic of Germanyin New York. 1***


Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Allianz Global Investors

American Federation for Aging. Research

American Museum of Natural History

Barnard College

BASF Corporation

Bayer Corporation

BMW Manufacturing Co., LLC

Boehringer Ingelheim

Boston Consulting Group

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC

CERN,the European Organization. for Nuclear Research

Citigroup Inc.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

College Board

Columbia University

Consolidated Edison, Inc.

Cornell NYC Tech

Council on Foreign Relations

Daimler AG

Dartmouth College

DB Schenker, Inc.

Delegation ofthe European Union tothe United States of America

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Department of Health and Human. Services

Deutsche Bank AG

Deutsche Presse-Agentur

Deutsche Telekom Group

Die Zeit

EADS North America

Elsevier B. V.

Ernst & Young

European Central Bank

Federal Ministry of Economics and. Technology

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Federal Trade Commission

Food and Agriculture Organization ofthe United Nations

General Electric

German Aerospace Center

German Academic Exchange Service

German Research Foundation

Goldman Sachs



Harlem Biospace

Harvard University

Howard Hughes Medical Institute


Institute of Electrical and Electronics. Engineers

Intel Corporat***

International Monetary Fund

Johns Hopkins University

Johnson & Johnson

JPMorgan Chase & Co.


Massachusetts General Hospital

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer. Center



Mount Sinai Hospital

National Academy of Engineering

National Cancer Institute

National Institutes of Health

National Institute of Standards and. Technology

National Oceanic and Atmospheric. Administration

National Science Foundation

Nature Publishing Group

New York City Department of City. Planning

New York City Department of Education

New York City Economic.development Corporation

New York University

Novartis Corporation

Offce of Science and Technology. Policy,the White House

Offce ofthe Mayor,the City of New. York

Pfzer Inc.

Princeton University

Public Broadcasting Service


Rutgers University,the State University. of New Jersey


Science Friday - NPR

Scientifc American

Siemens Corporation

Social Sciences and Humanities. Research Council of Canada

Spiegel Online

Stanford University

Süddeutsche Zeitung

the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

the Aspen Institute

the Brookings Institution

the Chronicle of Higher Education

the Dana Foundation

the Earth Institute, Columbia. University

the Economist

the Henry Luce Foundation

the Huffngton Post

the New York Academy of Sciences

the New York Times

the Rockefeller University

the Wall Street Journal

the World Bank Group

U. S. Agency for International.development

U. S.department of Commerce

U. S.department of Energy

U. S.department of Health and. Human Services

U. S.department of State

U. S. House of Representatives

United Nations

University of California, Berkeley

Volkswagen of America, Inc.


Weill Cornell Medical College

Wharton School of Business,University of Pennsylvania

World Economic Forum

WQXR - New York Public Radio

Yale University

Zweites Deutsches Fernsehenthe following is aselection of 2015 event participants who attended GCRI. eventsin New York and at other locations.

Selected Event Participants. 14 15January 14 - 15_. BILAT USA 2

0 E. U. -U. S.

Innovation Conference:How to Integratethe Innovation. Dimensioninthe E. U. -U. S. S&T. Agreement?. Location: Brussels, Belgium. January 19 - 20_. 2nd International German. Forum 2015:What Matters to People:Innovation and Society. Location: Federal Chancellery,Berlin, Germany. January 29_. Science Diplomacy:The Role of Sciencein International. Relations and Global Development. Location: New York University,New York, NY. February 5 - 6_. 2015 AARP-UN Briefng. Series on Global Aging. Location: United Nations. Headquarters,New York, NY. February 15 - 18_. Association of International. Education AdministratorsAnnual Conference:Preparing Students forthe Global. Workforceinthe 21st Century - New. Challenges and Opportunities. Location: Washington, D. C. February 21_. 19th European Career Fair at Massachusetts Institute. of Technology (MIT)

Location: Cambridge, MA. February 26_. 5th Annual Conference on. Sustainable Real Estate. Location: NYU Schack Institute of Real. Estate, New York, NY. February 26_. Initial Meeting for Research. Marketing Coalition Group(Auftaktveranstaltung. zum Aktionsbündnis. Forschungsmarketing)

Location: Berlin, Germany. March 6_. Columbia University. Spring Career Fair. Location: Columbia University,New York, NY. March 28 - April 1_. Experimental Biology. Annual Meeting. Location: Boston, MA. April 10_. Information Session. on Funding and Career. Opportunitiesin Germany. Location: Dartmouth College,Hanover, New Hampshire. April 30_. 8th Annual Psychology Day at theUnited Nations Conference:Reducing Health Inequalities Withinand Among Countries: Psychology’s. Contributions tothe United Nations. Post-2015 Global Agenda. Location: United Nations. Headquarters,New York, NY. May 12_. Success Stories inNon-Academic Career Tracks:Overcomingthe Barriers of an. International Scientistinthe USA. Location:the New York Academy. of Sciences, New York, NY. 2015 Conferences & Symposia. August 14_. DAAD Research Ambassadors. Seminar. Location: New York, NY. August 16 - 20_. 250th American Chemical. Society (ACS) National Meetingand Exposition. Location: Boston, MA. August 28 - 30_. 15th German Academic. International Network (GAIN)

Annual Meeting. Location: San Francisco, CA. September 16_. Carnegie Bosch Innovation. Conference:Entrepreneurship and Innovation inGlobal Markets. Location: Pittsburgh, PA. September 17_. Transatlantic Entrepreneur. Partnership Conference - NYC International Day. Location: NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, Brooklyn, NY. October 13_. OktoberINVESTFest 2015 - the4th Annual Investor’s Conference. Location:the New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY. October 16_.destination Europe. Location: Chicago, IL. October 17 - 21_. Society for Neuroscience (SfN)

Annual Meeting. Location: Chicago, IL. October 23_. Engineering Consortiumcareer Fair. Location: Columbia University,New York, NY. October 23_career Booster German(y)

Location: Goethe-Institut,New York, NY. October 28_. East Coast Industry Forum. Location: Mac Mahon Center,Jersey City, NJ. October 30 - 31_. German American. Conference at Harvard. Location: Harvard University,Cambridge, MA. November 5_. 18th Annual Colloquium. on International Engineering. Education:Collaborationsin Germany and theU. S.: Challenges and Opportunities for. Strategic International Partnerships. Location: New York, NY. November 10_. German Career Day:Are You Ready forthe Global Market?. East Brunswick High School. Location: East Brunswick, NJ.december 7_. 2015 Global Trends. Cybersecurity Conference:Securing Our Financial Infrastructure. Location: New York, NY. 16 172015 Speakers & Guests …who participatedin GCRI eventsin New York and at other locations. 18 19their duties and schedules over time,or even to return tothe company. after aperiod of retirement.

For more than 15 years, Bosch has. operated aprogram that allows retirees, dubbed “senior experts,” to rejointhe company for contract periods to work on special projects. The advantagesare immediately apparent - theseworkers bring decades of knowledgeand experience to atask and can beimmediately productive with no trainingand little guidance. The Generations**[ta]**ork program, which began at BASFin 2006, includes health management. initiatives focused on improving. physical ftness as well as preventionand screening, ongoing professional.development training, flexible schedules,and opportunities for intergenerational. teamwork to maximize gains and. maintain productivity amidthe shifting. workforce demographics.

Whetherthe employee is aging on thejob or returns to work following retirement,the benefts for younger employees are. vast. One ofthe great drawbacks of thetraditional retirement model, particularly. when there’s ashortage of younger. workers coming intothe system, isthe loss of older workers’ institutional. knowledge and experience. By making. multigenerational workplacesthe new. norm, these forward-thinking companiesare ensuring thatthe next generation of leaders hasthe invaluable opportunity to learn from their predecessors.

These types of working arrangements,which emphasize flexibility, shorter-term. goals, and opportunities to work from. home, appeal to older workers not only. from afnancial perspective, but also. from ahealth perspective. Research on. aging supportsthe notion thatthe human. brain is far more likely to suffer from. underuse than overuse, and that contrary to earlier beliefs,the brain retains. some degree of plasticity for alifetime.

The concept of aneural network that.developsin afrenzyin infancy and early. childhood, then peaksin effciency until. midlife, when it slowly and irreparably.declines, has been replaced by amodelthat portraysthe living brain as continually. responsive, its circuitry changing to adapt to new activities and experiences.

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