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Support for the organization's Home Care Program for patients with terminal

cancer, aiding in pain therapy and psychological support.



NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kEUR 3.50

Support by a professional dietist, to implement a carb-counting and a nutritional

counseling process to promote patient autonomy and self managing disease

capability for type 1 diabetes.

Italy PRO.DES NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 5.00

Training course to implement means of carb-counting counting knowledge

involving two nutritionist biologists.

Italy A.V.I.O. Associazione Volontari In Oncologia NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 20.00 Support to the organization's Home Care Assistance for oncology patients

Italy ACTO - Alleanza Contro Il Tumore Ovarico - Onlus Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 19.00

Support to the patient organisation's core activities to help raise awareness for

ovarian cancer

Italy AGD PISA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 3.00

To offer to Type 1 patients the opportunity to better adapt insulin bolus, improving

means of carb-counting patients knowledge with a dedicated nutritionist

Italy Asae-Ail Cagliari Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 10.00 Support to statutory activities of the association and research

Italy Novara Ail Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 15.00 Request to support the organisation's research project in hemathology

Italy AIMAME - Associazione Italiana Malati Di Melanoma Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 15.00

Support to melanoma awareness campaign of the association


Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Multiple Sclerosis Networking Breakfast

2016 in Copenhagen

Italy Federazione Alzheimer Italia Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) CHF 790.00

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Dementia Forum, Frankfurt, 4-5 Feb.2016

Italy AMOS Amici Dell'oncologia Del San Matteo WWW.AMOS-P****IA.IT Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 15.00

Request to support general awareness and counseling activities of the patient


Italy ANMAR Associazione Nazionale Malati Reumatici Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 18.00 Support to the National day of rheumatological disease


D-PROJECT ONLUS Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kEUR 1.50

Support for a sports promotion program for Type 1 diabetes children and teenagers

during the world diabetes day. To demonstrate the benefit of physical activity;


Associazione F.A.E.L Familiari Ed Amici Emopatici

Contro La Leucemia Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 15.00

Support to the patient organisation's core activities to help raise awareness for



FAND. ASS. ITAL. DIAB. PERUGIA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kEUR 4.50

Education of diabetes patients in order to perform daily check and maintenance of

careful hygiene to their feet. To encourage patients to consult diabetologist once

suspicious injuries occur, even if minimal.


F****O Federazione Italiana Delle Associazioni Di

Volontariato In Oncologia WWW.F****O.IT Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 45.00

Support to edit the 8th edition of the association newspaper

Italy Associazione Eleonora Onlus Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 15.00 Grant to support the annual statutory initiatives of the no profit association.

Italy La Lampada Di Aladino Onlus WWW.LAMPADA-ALADINO.IT Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 20.00

Support to the patient organisation's core activities to help raise awareness for

cancer and their support activities for affected families


LILT Lega Italiana Per La Lotta Contro I Tumori - Sez

Lucchese Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 16.00

Support to prevention activities and support to research


Lymphoma Coalition Europe Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


MEDICARE ONLUS "Mediterranean Cancer Support

And Rehabilitation” WWW.MEDICAREONLUS.IT Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 7.00

Grant to statutory activities of the no profit association. Support to the nutricare

project in oncology patients

Italy Salute Donna Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 25.00

Financial support required for the training activities of volunteers of the association


Salute Donna onlus Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 5.18

Non-financial support for the participation of two representatives at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Salute Donna onlus Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

EUR 390.00

Non-financial support for the participation of two representatives at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Italy Associazione Salute Donna Onlus Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 30.00

Expense reimbursement for the Oncology (breast cancer) and hematology Patient

Group Advisory Board meeting, November 2016 in Zurich

Italy Associazione Salute Donna Onlus Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 30.00

Reimbursed expenses for the attendance at the Patient Group Advisory Board

meeting, November 2016 in Zurich

Italy Associazione Salute Donna Onlus Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) CHF 480.00

Attendance of one representative at the Oncology (breast cancer) and hematology

Patient Group Advisory Board meeting, November 2016 in Zurich

Italy Un Respiro Di Speranza - Ass Di Pazienti Onlus Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 20.00 Support and counseling to people with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis


VIVI DOWN onlus Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kEUR 14.98

Support for institutional activities, in particular for medical examinations and

screening for children and adults with Down Syndrome in the project "Progetto



WALCE Onlus -Women Against Lung Cancer in

Europe Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kSGD 1.34

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the Global Action

for Cancer Patients 19 - 20 Nov 2016 in Singapore


WALCE Onlus -Women Against Lung Cancer in

Europe Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 5.18

Support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Cancer Patient Organization Forum

2016 in Copenhagen

Italy European Lung Cancer Partnership Walce Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 15.00 Support on patients awareness campaign




n Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 80.66

Sponsorship for "Esci dal tunnel" project

Ivory Coast

Association Ivoirienne de Lutte Contre le Cancer

(AILC) NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) CHF 500.00

Travel for the attendance at the Experience Exchange for Patient Organizations in

Casablanca, Morocco

Ivory Coast AIDIR NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 1'660.00

Support for the participation of 2 participants at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast APEMAR NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 580.00

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast

Association Ivoirienne de Lutte Contre le Cancer

(AILC) NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 580.00

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast FOYER DU BONHEUR (ABIDJAN) NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 580.00

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast FRATERNITE POUR TOUS LES PEUPLES (DIVO) NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 580.00

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast IDEAL KORHOGO NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 580.00

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast ISLAS NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 580.00

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast ONG Cri du cœur Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 580.00

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast SOS Cancer NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 580.00

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast


INTERNATIONALE (GRAND-LAHOU) NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 580.00

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast UNICO NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 580.00

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Japan Angelman Syndrome community Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 10'000.00 Support for Angelman Syndrome community activity

Japan Parent's assosiation of Juvenile idiopathic arthritis Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 10'000.00

Support for Parent's Association of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Program activity in


Japan Young Japanese Breast Cancer Network Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 80'000.00 Support for Young Japanese Breast Cancer Network activity in 2016

Japan Behcet's Disease Tomo-no-kai(Patients' Circle) Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 20'000.00 Support for making Leaflet of Behcet's Disease Tomo-no-kai


Non profit organization related to breast

cancer"buugenvilia" Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 70'000.00

Support for Non profit organization buugenvilia activity in 2016

Japan Cancer Patients Support Organization Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 50'000.00 Support for the convention of Cancer Patients in 2016

Japan Non profit organization related to liver Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 30'000.00 Support for Non profit organization related to liver in 2016

Japan Kyushu Healthy Community Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 50'000.00 Support for Breast canser seminar held by Kyushu Healthy Community

Japan Cancer support kagoshima Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 100'000.00 Support for Cancer support Kagoshima Program activity in 2016

Japan Group nexus Japan Financial contributions to Patient Organisations mJPY 20'000.00 Support for Group nexus Japan activity in 2016

Japan Hiroshima Momiji Diabetes Community Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 30'000.00 Support for Summer camp of Hiroshima Momiji Diabetes Community

Japan HIV/AIDS Support Community Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 40'000.00 Support for HIV/AIDS Support Community activity in 2016


Non profit organization Bone-marrow Bank Morning

Glory Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 40'000.00

Support for Non profit organization Bone-marrow Bank Morning Glory in 2016

Japan Japan IDDM Network Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 200'000.00 Contribution to Association to enhance understanding of diabetes care

Japan Japan Transplant Recipients Sports Organization Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 80'000.00

Support for Japan Transplant Recipients Sports Organization Program activity in


Japan Sjogren's Sydrome Community Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 30'000.00 Support for Sjogren's Sydrome Community activity in 2016

Japan IVY CHIBA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 40'000.00 Support for Ivy Chiba, Breast Cancer community program activity in 2016

Japan Non profit organization related to cancer"Me-net" Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 20'000.00 Support for the activity of cancer survivor walk and forum in 2016"


Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patient Family

Community Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 20'000.00

Support for Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patient Family Community in 2016

Japan Non profit organization Nemu Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 70'000.00 Support for Non profit organization Nemu

Japan Japan Hepatitis Council Financial contributions to Patient Organisations mJPY 20'000.00 Support for Japan Hepatitis Council in 2016


Non profit organization related to stmach

cancer"Kibo-no-kai" Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 30'000.00

Support for the activity of Japan Cancer Forum 2016

Japan Liver desease Osaka Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 30'000.00 Support for Liver Disease Osaka

Japan Osaka Diabetes Association Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 100'000.00 Annual membership fee for Osaka Diabetes Association

Japan Senri kai of Osaka Diabetes Association Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 100'000.00 Annual membership fee for Senri-kai of Osaka Diabetes Association


Osaka Suginoko Kai of Osaka Association for

Diabetes Education and Care Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 20'000.00

Contribution of summer camp for Type I diabetes patients and families of Osaka

Suginoko Kai

Japan Nara Diabetes Association Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 30'000.00 Contribution to Association to enhance understanding of diabetes care


Association for Congenital Toxoplasma and

Cytomegalovirus Infections Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 30'000.00

Support for Association for Congenital Toxoplasma and Cytomegalovirus Infections

Program activity in 2016

Japan Tsubasa Blood Disease Community Financial contributions to Patient Organisations mJPY 100'000.00 Support for Tsubasa Blood Disease Community activity in 2016

Japan Non profit organization Spes Nova Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 100'000.00 Support for Non profit organization Spes Nova in 2016

Japan Kirara Breast Cancer Community Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 70'000.00 Support for Kirara Breast Cancer Community activity in 2016


Tubomino Kai of Aichi Gifu Association for Diabetes

Education and Care Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 100'000.00

Contribution to activities done at Tubomino Kai of Aichi Gifu Association for

Diabetes Education and Care

Japan Support assosiation "alpha" Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 70'000.00 Support for Support Association "Alpha" Program activity in 2016

Japan Non profit organization related to breast cancer Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 300'000.00 Support for Non profit organization related to breast cancer in 2016

Japan Non profit organization life with cancer Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 100'000.00 Support for Non profit organization life with cancer in 2016

Japan Cancer Patients Communty of Chiba Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 40'000.00 Support for Cancer Patients Communty activity in 2016

Japan Hereditary angioneurotic edema Patient's assosiation Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 20'000.00

Support for HAE patient community program activity in 2016

Japan Cancer support Community Japan Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 500'000.00 Support for Cancer support Community Japan activity in 2016

Japan Deadly Cancer Awareness Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 300'000.00 Support for Deadly Cancer Awareness activity

Japan Non profit organization"DM-family" Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 20'000.00 Support for Non profit organization"DM-family" activity in 2016


Tubomino Kai of Kanagawa Association for Diabetes

Education and Care Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 9'000.00

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