Leopoldina. Atourofthe German National.
Publisher:The President ofthe Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina e. V. - Natonale Akademie der Wissenschafen. Concept:Caroline Wichmann and Nadine Flerlage, Department of Press and Public Relatons.design:unicom Werbeagentur
Translaton:English Express,
Printed by:mediabogen. Fiedler-Nöschel GbR. Marienburger Straße 160405
Published in:December ***
Cover Image:The Leopoldina headquartersin
HKI/Anna Schroll, Thomas Meinicke, Karsten Möbius,Robert Bosch Stfung/Manuel Frauendorf, Jens Schlüter, Markus Scholz (Umschlag,, Unless otherwise mentoned, all photo rightsare held bythe Leopoldina.
D e ar Re ad e rs ,Since being declared German Natonal Academy of Sciencesin 2008,the Leopoldina has become well established as an advisory body. for policy makers and society. as well asin internatonal. cooperaton. In this advisory. capacity,the academy organises important debates. on topics such asthe energy transiton, pre-implantaton genetc diagnosis, demographics or research. on antbiotcs.
Our ofceinthe government quarterin
The brochure describes our work and gives youthe names ofthe relevant contact persons. Please. do not hesitate to contact us should you have any. questons.
Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina was appointedthe German Natonal.
The legal. basis for this act wasthe resoluton bythe Joint. Science Conference ofthe federaton and states. of 18 February ***
Since then,the Federal. President of
The Leopoldina was foundedin
Leopoldina - Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften. Patron, Federal President Joachim. Gauck, atthe 2013 Leopoldina Annual. Assembly
Contact:Prof. Dr. Dr. h. C. mult. Jörg Hacker. President. Jägerberg 1
Phone: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
E-mail: joerg. hacker**[ta]**poldina.org
With currently around 1,500 membersin more. than 30 countries,the Leopoldina hasthe largest. number of members among German academies.
The membersare organisedin specialised sectons, whichin turnare grouped into four classes.
These classes, which were newly introduced in2009, integratethe members more strongly than. beforeinthe drafing of statements and recommendatons and also strengthen interdisciplinary. exchange. The classes focus on natural sciences,life sciences, medicine, as well as humanites, social and behavioural sciences. They also form theplatorm for internatonal exchange andthe selecton of new members.
The Annual Assemblies provide aforum for themembers.
Members, Sections, and Classes. Leopoldina‘s Classes and Sectons:Class I: Mathematcs, Natural Sciences and Engineering
• Mathematcs
• Informatcs
• Physics
• Chemistry
• Earth Sciences
• Engineering Sciences. Class II: Life Sciences
• Agricultural and Nutritonal Sciences
• Physiological and Evolutonary Biology
• Genetcs/Molecular Biology and Cell Biology
• Biochemistry and Biophysics
• Microbiology and Immunology
• Human Genetcs and Molecular Medicine
• Physiology and Pharmacology/Toxicology. Class III: Medical Sciences
• Anatomy and Anthropology
• Pathology and Forensic Medicine
• Internal Medicine and Dermatology
• Surgery, Orthopaedics, Anaesthesiology
• Gynaecology and Paediatrics
• Neurosciences
• Ophthalmology, Oto-Rhino-Laryngologyand Stomatology
• Radiology
• Veterinary Medicine. Class IV: Humanites, Social and Behavioural Sciences
• History of Science and Medicine
• Epistemology
• Economics and Empirical Social Sciences
• Psychology and Cognitve Sciences
• Cultural Sciences
5the Leopoldina is asupranatonal associaton of scientsts. More than aquarter of its members.come from outside
The academy is organised as anon-proft registered associaton and is funded bythe German. Federal Ministry of Educaton and Research (80%)
andthe state where it is located, Saxony-Anhalt(20%). The president and four vice presidents. formthe executve boardinthe legal sense. thepresidium is made up ofthe Executve Board and. additonal members and is responsible for theLeopoldina’s actvites. A full-tme secretary general isin charge ofthe ofce and is supported bythe administraton departmentin this role.
Contact:Prof. Dr. Juta Schnitzer-Ungefug. Secretary General. Jägerberg 1
Phone: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
E-mail: leopoldina**[ta]**poldina.org
Dr. Bernd Sperlich. Head of Administraton. Jägerberg 1
Phone: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
E-mail: bernd. sperlich**[ta]**poldina.org
Leopoldina members and thecity of
Providing guidance on current scientfc and science policy issues to policy makers, society and. industry isthe central task ofthe German Natonal.
The aim is to deliver statements and recommendatons for meetng urgent social challenges and to identfy important future issues, wherethe scientfc basis is importantin fnding asoluton. inthis work, it is also amater of recognising at an. early stagethe important developments that are. indicated by science and may become of signifcance to societyinthe future, and of analysing and.commentng appropriately on the***
The Leopoldina conducts its policy advice actvites. jointly withthe Union ofthe German Academies. of Sciences and Humanites, includingthe BerlinBrandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanites, as well as acatech - Natonal Academy of Science and Engineering. The work is steered bya. coordinatng commitee, which is led bythe Leopoldina. Working groups or ad hoc commissions. can also be formed alone orin cooperaton with. other academies, scientfc insttutons or internatonal partners,in order to produce recommendatons and statements. As aresult, statements,recommendatons or reportsare produced on. interdisciplinary or feld-specifc topics and longterm developments, but also on current, day-today politcal issues.
The Leopoldina conducts apeer review ofthe results and then submits them as abasis for discussion and politcal measures to decision makers and. interested partesinthe politcal sphere and society.
Advice for Policy Makers and Society
Contact:Elmar König. Head ofthe Policy Advice Department. Jägerberg 1
Phone: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
E-mail: elmar. koenig**[ta]**poldina.org
Chancellor Angela Merkel atthe Annual Assembly ***
7inthe age of globalisaton, topics such as energy,climate change or health require supranatonal. politcal measures. By cooperatng withthe academies of other countries,the Leopoldina promotesthe internatonal exchange of views on these topics. This takes placein various forms, such as joint. symposia orthe issuing of joint statements. For example,the natonal science academies of themember countries - known asthe G-Science. Academies - make recommendatons for solving urgent global challenges tothe partcipatng. heads of state and governmentinthe run-up to each
• InterAcademy Council (IAC)
• InterAcademy Medical Panel (IAMP)
• Global Network of Science Academies (IAP)
• Federaton ofthe European Academies of Medicine (FEAM)
Since April 2010,the Secretariat ofthe European. Academies' Science Advisory Council (EASAC), to whichthe natonal academies ofthe EU member. states belong, is located atthe Leopoldina. Internatonal statements and recommendatons of European signifcanceare produced by EASAC and. sent tothe EU Commission orthe EU Parliament.
Contact:Dr. Marina Koch-Krumrei.
Head ofthe Internatonal Relatons Department. Jägerberg 1
Phone: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
E-mail: marina. koch-krumrei**[ta]**poldina.org
Dr. Christane Diehl. EASAC Secretariat. Jägerberg 1
Phone: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
E-mail: christane. diehl**[ta]**poldina.org
International. Relationsin 2012, around 40 of thehighest-ranking representatives ofthe international IAPand IAC academy networks. met atthe Leopoldina,which is amember of both. associations***
. Policy advice also always includes advising society.
The public should havethe opportunity to inform. itself more easily and beter about current scientfc and science policy topics,in order to be able to partcipateinthe politcal discussions. Issues. of importance to society, such as demographic. change, tackling contagious diseases, and securing energy supply,are therefore presented comprehensiblyin interactve dialogue-based events.
Visitors to these events - which include fshbowl. discussions, night-tme science cafés and science. slams - havethe opportunity to talkin depth with. one another and with experts about urgent issues. ofthe day. in order to promotethe interdisciplinary discussion between scientsts and to disseminate their. scientfc fndings,the Leopoldina co-organises. symposia and meetngs with universites, research insttutes and other academies. The symposiaare interdisciplinary and convey current. knowledge beyondthe borders ofthe discipline,whilethe meetngs discuss feld-specifc problems. more extensively.
Contact:Katharina Schmidt. Event Management. Jägerberg 1
Phone: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
E-mail: katharina. schmidt**[ta]**poldina.org
Public Events. ▴ Member ofthe Leopoldina and Nobel laureate Bruce Beutler during alecture atthe 2014 Annual Assembly, moderated by Leopoldina Vice President Bärbel Friedrich.
▴ Klaus Töpfer, Executive Director ofthe Institute for Advanced Sustainability. Studies, holdsthe 2013 Leopoldina Christmas Lecture onthe topic of sustainability.
9the Leopoldina makes its scientfc discussions. available tothe public. Its journal “Nova Acta. Leopoldina” reflectsthe academy’s spectrum of lectures, meetngs and symposia. This journal representsthe contnuaton ofthe frst medical and. natural scientfc journalinthe world and dates. back tothe year ***
The journal “Acta Historica Leopoldina” is dedicated tothe history of science, partcularly that. ofthe academy. The academy’s almanac has been. published since 1990 and documentsthe actvites ofthe Leopoldina duringthe respectve calendar year.
Contact:Dr. Joachim Kaasch and Dr. Michael Kaasch. Scientfc Publishing. Emil-Abderhalden-Str.
Phone: +49 (0) 345 472 39-135***
Fax: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
E-mail: kaasch**[ta]**poldina.org
▴the Leopoldina’s. illustrated book providesa.comprehensive overview ofthe national academy.
◀the “Nova Acta Leopoldina” reflectsthe spectrum. of subjects represented inthe Leopoldina.
The German Natonal Academy of Sciences Leopoldina informsthe public about its workina. digital newsleter published every two months.
Alongside reports on events and new policy advice statements,the newsleter features interviews with prominent scientsts and politcians.
The newsleter is publishedin German and English and currently has around 5,000 subscribers.
The Leopoldina’s richly illustrated book gives. more detailed informaton aboutthe work, projects and history ofthe venerable academy.
You can subscribe tothe Leopoldina newsleter at
Contact:Caroline Wichmann. Head of Press and Public Relatons. Jägerberg 1
Phone: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
E-mail: presse**[ta]**poldina.org
Since 1997,the Leopoldina has supported outstanding young post-doctoral students by providing post-doctoral scholarshipsin its Fellowship. Programme. These scholarshipsare available to German scientsts who would like to work abroad(and to scientsts from
The awarding ofthe fellowships and their fnancial endowmentare based onthe guidelines ofthe German Research Foundaton. An awarding.commitee decides onthe basis of peer-reviewed. project proposals. To date, over 430 people have. been supportedinthe programme, which is funded bythe German Federal Ministry of Educatonand Research. Since 2009,the state of SaxonyAnhalt has contributed tothe funding.
Afer they have returned from abroad,the academy offers its fellows further support, with theaim of facilitatng their integraton intothe German science environment. This follow-up funding. is limited to fve years and helps its benefciaries to present scientfc results, maintain and develop. contacts, and establish new cooperaton projects.
All ofthe fellowsare offered amentoring programmein whichthe members ofthe Natonal.
Contact:Dr. Andreas Clausing. Coordinator ofthe Fellowship Programme. Emil-Abderhalden-Str.
Phone: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
E-mail: stpendium**[ta]**poldina.org
The Fellowship. Programmethe Leopoldina Fellowship Programme enabled. Christine Beemelmanns(right) to undertake aperiod. of study at Harvard Medical. Schoolin
Apart from honorary membership, which is limited to afew individuals,the Cothenius Medalin gold,endowed by Christan Andreas Cothenius (1708-1789), personal physician tothe royal Prussian. court, isthe Leopoldina’s most important award.
This medal is awarded forthe outstanding lifetme. achievements of amember ofthe Leopoldina.
The Carus Medal is based on an endowment inhonour ofthe XIII President ofthe Leopoldina,Carl Gustav Carus (1789-1869). It is complemented bythe Carus Award, which is endowed by thefounding city ofthe Leopoldina,
The Leopoldina awardsthe Mendel Medal - named aferthe founder of genetcs, Gregor. Mendel (1822-1884) - for special achievementsin researchinthe feld of molecular biology and. genetcs. The Schleiden Medal is awarded for signifcant achievementsinthe area of cell research.
Leopoldina membersare honoured for major contributons tothe beneft ofthe academy by thepresidium’s Medal of Merit. The Emperor Leopold
Medal is awarded to public fgures who have. made asignifcant contributon tothe Leopoldinaand to science as awhole.
The Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Prize, endowed. with 50,000, is jointly awarded withthe Stferverband every two years. This prize honours scientsts or research teams for outstanding scientfc contributons and social commitment. theLeopoldina Early Career Award, sponsored bythe Commerzbank Foundaton, is endowed with. 30,000 and awarded every two years. The Leopoldina Thieme Prize for Medicine, endowed with. 15,000 and sponsored bythe Thieme Publishing. Group, is awarded to young scientsts who have. produced signifcant new fndingsinthe aetology, pathogenesis, therapy and preventon of human diseases. Thereare two further awards, theGeorg Uschmann Prize forthe History of Science,endowed with 2,000, andthe Leopoldina Prize. for Young Scientsts, which is presently endowed. with 5***
Contact:Dr. Jörg Beineke. Senior Coordinator. Jägerberg 1
Phone: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
E-mail: joerg. beineke**[ta]**poldina.org
Honours, Medals, and Prizesin 2013,the Leopoldina. awarded its member Stefan. W. Hell withthe Carus Medal. for his achievementsin thefield of microscopy. A year. later, Hell has received theNobel Prizein Chemistry. 2
the Leopoldina library was foundedin Nurembergin ***
With over 260,000 books, monographsand journals on natural sciences and medicine,it is arich resource of traditonal and modern. knowledge. The focus ofthe collecton is on publicatons aboutthe history of science, partcularly. of natural sciences and medicine, as well as on. publicatons by scientfc societes and associatons.
The comprehensive collecton of works on natural sciences and medicine on six floors of stacks. has accumulated mainly throughthe exchange of academy publicatons with partners all over theworld and gifs from academy members.
The literature can be viewed or borrowedin thereading room ofthe Leopoldinain August-BebelStrasse 50ain
Contact:Jochen Thamm. Head Librarian. August-Bebel-Str.
Phone: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
E-mail: jochen. thamm**[ta]**poldina.org
The Library. A view ofthe stacks ofthe library.
As one ofthe oldest academy archivesin theworld,the Leopoldina’s archive stores around. 1,700 metres of documents datng from over***
The core collecton ofthe Leopoldina archive includes matriculaton records and minute books,curricula vitae, publicaton lists and portraits ofthe members, as well as series of correspondenceand comprehensive administratve records of theacademy. In additon,the archive stores som***
bequests from important scientsts, over 10***
photographs featuringthe history ofthe academyand science, and various works of art, such as. paintngs, drawings and medals.
With its collecton onthe history ofthe Leopoldina and its biographical materials,the archive. offers science historians excellent research opportunites.
Contact:Dr. Danny Weber. Head of Archive. Emil-Abderhalden-Str***
Phone: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
E-mail: danny. weber**[ta]**poldina.org
Document fromthe early. days:the Leopoldina’s first. matriculation book from theyear ***
The Archive4
▴in autumn 2013,the Centre for Science Studies staged an exhibition of globes that showed how. our view ofthe Earth,the moon, and other planets has changed sincethe early modern age.
The Leopoldina Centre for
The centre offers agood working environment for. visitng researchers who wish to make use of theLeopoldina’s library and archive. It is also developing its own programmes to processthe Leopoldina’s library and archive materials and make them. available tothe public. It also coordinatesthe Leopoldina’s long-term projects, whichare funded bythe Union ofthe German Academies of Sciencesand Humanites. These include ahistorical-critcal. editon of Goethe’s writngs onthe natural sciences, completedin 2011, andthe project “Ernst. Haeckel (1834-1919)
Editon of Leters”.
The letters of Ernst Haeckelthe extensive collecton of leters by renowned. natural scientst Ernst Haeckel is an important. primary source of informaton onthe history. of biosciencesinthe 19th and early 20th centuries, and atestmony tothe popularisaton ofthe natural sciences around ***
The aim ofthe project is to compile Haeckel’s. leters, stll scatered acrossthe globe, with theinventoryinthe Ernst Haeckel archivesin an online presentaton and a25-volume editon of his. selected correspondence. Coordinated by theErnst-Haeckel-Haus atthe
For more informaton, please visit:
http://www.**opoldina.org/en/haeckelthe Centre for Science Studies. ▴ Zoologist Ernst Haeckel was appointed to theLeopoldinain ***
Contact:Prof. Dr. Rainer Godel. Project Manager ofthe Centre for Science Studies. Emil-Abderhalden-Str***
Phone: +49 (0)345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0)345 472 39***
E-mail: rainer. godel**[ta]**poldina.org
5the Leopoldina, which was called Academia. Naturae Curiosorum atthe time, was founded by. four physiciansin 1652inthe Free Imperial City of
and was awarded. special privilegesin ***
Since then, it has hadthe title of Sacri Romani Imperii Academia Caesareo - Leopoldina Naturae Curosorum, from. which its current abbreviated name, Leopoldina,derives. Since 1878,the academy has been basedin
The period ofthe Third Reich left its marks on theacademy, too. Both members and directors of theacademy succumbed tothe Nazi regime. Academy. members who were murderedinthe concentration campsare commemorated by astele on theacademy premises atthe Jägerbergin
awarded theacademy special privilegesin 1687 is made of bound. parchment with red satin. binding and an imperial seal. 6
the Presidium ofthe Leopoldinain September 2014 (from left to right)
Gunnar Berg, Jutta Schnitzer-Ungefug, Martin Quack, Benno Parthier, Frank Rösler, Bärbel. Friedrich, Helmut Schwarz, Jörg Hacker, Sigmar Wittig, Ursula M. Staudinger, Peter Propping, Martin Lohse, Hans-Peter Zenner, Volker ter Meulen. Other members not. pictured hereare Gunter S. Fischer, Harald zur Hausen, Heinz Schott and Georg Stingl. 7
the Presidiumthe academy is run by apresidium. Members ofthe presidiumare elected bythe senate. Their. term of ofce is fve years and they can be reelected once for afurther term. The Presidium. usually meets once amonth and prepares all ofthe academy’s important decisions.
Presidium. President Jörg Hacker,
Martn J. Lohse, Würzburg. Ursula M. Staudinger,
Hans-Peter Zenner, Tübingen. Members Martn Quack,
Georg Stngl,
Former Council Members Gunter S. Fischer,
Volker ter Meulen, Würzburg(XXV President)
Benno Parthier,
Special Representatve for Heinz Schot,
One ofthe Leopoldina’s key concerns is informingthe public about current developmentsin science.
Journalistsare therefore important partners, as. they provide background knowledge to alarge. audience and can explain research fndings and. their signifcance. The Leopoldina presents current research topics to important multpliers inthe “Diving into Science” seminar programme for. journalists, that was launched together with theRobert Bosch Stfung.
Journalists who do not have aspecifc scientfc. focus can atendthe programme’s lectures, discussions and workshops to learn how scientsts. work and under what conditons, visit renownedthe “Diving into Science”. Seminar Programme for Journalists. research establishments, and receive frst-hand. knowledge on topics of high societal relevance. such as climate change, personalised medicine,andthe future of farming.
Contact:Caroline Wichmann. Head of Press and Public Relatons. Jägerberg 1
Phone: +49 (0)345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0)345 472 39***
E-mail: presse**[ta]**poldina.org
▴ Journalists participatinginthe seminar programme “Responses to climate change: Research for asustainable energy supply”. during an interview with Leopoldina member Ferdi Schüth.
▴ Participantsin “Diving into Science” visit renowned. research institutions such asthe Whitehead Institute inCambridge/USA and receive first-hand knowledge.
Its. membership is restricted to 50 people. Outstanding junior scientsts who have completed adoctorateare elected as members for fve years.
Contact:Dr. Ruth Bendels. Head of
Phone: +49 (0) 30 203 70***
Fax: +49 (0) 30 203 70***
E-mail: ofce**[ta]**jungeakademie.de
The Young. Academy. Onthe initatve ofthe Leopoldina Presidium,Friends ofthe Leopoldina was foundedin August. 2007 withthe objectve of promotngthe academy’s science and research intellectually and materially. Its patron is Dr. Hans-Dietrich Genscher,former Foreign Secretary ofthe
Contact:Dr. -Ing. Horst Dietz. Chairman. Leopoldina Akademie Freundeskreis e. V.
Jägerberg 1
Phone: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
E-mail: freundeskreis**[ta]**poldina.org
Friends of theLeopoldina
Leopoldina Locations. All ofthe Leopoldina’s locations inHalle arein close walking distance. fromthe Moritzburgring tram stop.
It is served by line 7 from
You can fnd detailed journey descriptons at
http://www.**opoldina.org/en/service/contact. Headquarters Archive, Library, Study centre
Leopoldina Headquarters. Jägerberg 1
Archive and Centre for Science Studies. Emil-Abderhalden-Str***
Library. August-Bebel-Str.
Fellowship Programme and Nova Acta Leopoldina Editorial Ofce. Emil-Abderhalden-Str***
Contact Information.deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher. Leopoldina e. V. - Natonale Akademie der. Wissenschafen. Jägerberg 1
Postach 11***
Switchboard:Phone: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
E-mail: leopoldina**[ta]**poldina.org
Press and Public Relatons:Phone: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
Fax: +49 (0) 345 472 39***
E-mail: presse**[ta]**poldina.org
Fax: +49 (0) 30 203 89 97***
Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)
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